Football is a game true to life. It's a game about sharing. Football is a team game.
There are some life lessons that the game of football can help transfer our young boys and girls at New Light. There are many lasting benefits to this 100-year-old game and that is why New Light promotes the game of football amongst its children. Football teaches our children a lot of things. Through football the children learn the unique brand of teamwork.
Football also requires the children to discipline themselves and to work hard. It is lesson for the children as they learn that in order to improve and grow, they have to take responsibility for that growth, and surround themselves with people who can help. Football provides a variety of challenges that tests and help to build a child's perseverance. The children at New Light are also exposed to lots of team oriented goals, which help them be accountable for their part to the overall team.
Football can help a child get started on the right foot with good goal setting habits. Last but not the lease, this game can create a huge adrenaline rush. Fighting and scrapping with all you have alongside your teammates, and being successful, even in one play, is a moving experience. It teaches our children at New Light, that there are healthy, productive ways to pursue adventure and "highs" in this life.