New Light serves the most marginalized sex workers who are resource poor and lack the motivation to seek and use the services provided by the state. State offered services are not readily provided or available; facilities are overcrowded and repeat visits are required. These conditions de-motivate most of the sex workers. The aged sex workers are far more reckless and with even lesser motivation or willingness to use the government facilities. With advancing age, they have fewer clients, lesser choice of clients and are bound to entertain more demanding clients with high risk activities. An older sex worker reporting in with STI is likely to be treated with derision. An older man reporting in with the same medical conditions would be treated with disrespect by the service providers.

New Light Clinic offers them services at their doorstep which they can access at their convenience. Their human rights and dignity is respected and they receive professional care and services delivered with compassion. Many of the workers of New Light and all the outreach workers are members of the community, one way or other connected to commercial sex work and the patients can communicate with them with ease and comfort.

Clientele :
1.Female sex workers, their partners and children 2.HIV+ persons from Kolkata and the suburbs

The target group is 2000 female sex workers, their partners and children; approximately 4500 persons. Nutritional supplementation benefits around 30 families where both partners are positive.

Improve the quality of healthcare available to female sex workers, their partners and children to mange common ailments and prevent, control and manage sexually transmitted infections, HIV and AIDS and thereby enhance the quality of their life

Objectives :
1.Provide high quality professional medical care and support services delivered with compassion to those at risk of being infected with STD, HIV and those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS
2.Strengthen networking and collaboration with community based organizations of positive people, other NGOs and agencies of the state engaged in prevention, control and management of STD, HIV and AIDS to improve the quality of care

Outcomes :
1.More persons at risk of STI proactively seek counselling and support for prevention
2.More persons with STI seek timely professional medical care
3.PLWHA in the operational community and adjoin areas have better quality of life and improved access to professional care and support
4.Fewer number of children of commercial sex workers are exposed to HIV infection

Facilities available/existing :
1.Dedicated clinic space with necessary equipments
2.Qualified and experienced medical doctors
3.Trained and experienced paramedics
4.Community outreach workers

Frequency of clinic :
Five days in a week- for gynaecological cases, STD, HIV and AIDS and general medicine cases.

Services provided, activities carried out

Identification of cases -
Doctors remain alert to signs and symptoms of STD, HIV and AIDS and opportunistic infections. Suspected cases are referred to the in-house STD specialist for further clinical examination and pathological investigations for confirmation of symptoms. Outreach workers follow up with visits to motivate the individuals to report to the clinic on designated days

Diagnosis -
Though there are inherent limitations with the government provided facilities, cases of STD, HIV/AIDS and opportunistic infections are referred to such facilities because the services are free or are available for nominal fee. If services are delayed, New Light refers the cases to certified facilities in the private sector. New Light personnel always accompany the patient to healthcare facilities

Treatment -
New Light maintains adequate supplies of medicines. HIV positive cases requiring ART are always referred to government centers. New Light personnel maintain case files and distributions records to track the use of the drugs

Care and counselling -
Doctors and the paramedic counsel the patients on various aspects when they visit the clinics. Community outreach workers undertake home visits to monitor the use of medicines, dietary habits and risk behavior

Nutrition -
New Light supplies food rations free of cost to the positive persons on ART who cannot afford to buy and consume nutritious food. Priority is given to families where the primary bread winner is on ART. Baby food is supplied to infants of positive mothers who are unable to nurse their infants

Neonatal cares, prevention of parent to child transmission -
Pregnant positive women are supported to seek timely medical care to prevent transmission to the newborn. New Light works with the local networks of positive people to ensure that the women and the newborn receive appropriate and timely medical care to reduce/ prevent the risk of transmission from mother to child

Condom distribution -
New Light stocks adequate supplies of condoms; sex workers can walk in any time and walk out with the number of condoms they require

Outreach Program -
Peer educators and health workers visit homes, monitor the use of medications and counsel the women, HIV+ persons and their family members. Outreach program also includes provision of micro-credit, legal aid and other assistance

Collaboration and networking -
To reach out to more affected and at risk people, New Light collaborates with local NGOs, positive networks and government agencies engaged in HIV/AIDS prevention intervention activities